Friday, March 23, 2018

Easter Crafts to Do with Your Kids

Easter is right around the corner and your kids are so excited for the Easter bunny! You can give them something else to be excited about by having some fun crafts ready to go. Between washing the paint brushes and hard boiling the eggs, having quality water at the Lake of the Ozarks, in your home can help out a lot. If you are interested in having quality water in your home, call Culligan. No kids want to be washing their paintbrushes with brown or smelly water. Keep reading for some fun crafts, we found online, to do with your kids this Easter.

Easter Crafts to Do with Your Kids



You will need:

Baking soda
Powdered tempera paint
Hard-boiled eggs

**Powdered paint is not safe to consume, so if you peel your eggs and notice any color on them, do not eat them.**


You will need a container of baking soda for each color you will be using. Pour in some baking soda so that the bottom of the container is covered.

Next, add in the powdered tempera paint. We used a tablespoon of powdered paint. Mix until the paint and baking soda are thoroughly combined.

Have your child gently place a hard boiled egg into the container with the baking soda and paint. I poured some vinegar in a small cup and then gave it to my daughter. She slowly poured it into the container and was amazed when she saw what happened.

The vinegar combined with the baking soda and powdered paint mixture to form fizzy green bubbles which covered the entire egg.

We tried dying eggs a variety of colors and the highlight was always when the foam started going down to reveal a colored egg!

I removed the eggs with some tongs and placed them in an egg carton to dry. When they dried, some of the paint left speckles and an interesting texture to the eggs. Baking soda Easter eggs are easy to make and the results are always different. They will certainly become a yearly tradition here.



Supplies Needed:

Small jars (any size or kind will do-mine are from the craft store)
Paint Brush
Fine Glitter
Craft foam or construction paper in pink, white and orange
Pom Poms
Googley Eyes
Hot Glue


Paint a thin layer of decoupage all over your jar. Sprinkle glitter on it and shake off excess.
Set aside and allow to dry.

To make the polka dot jar-use a round sponge brush if you have one or just paint circles with your decoupage and then glitter each dot individually.

Cut ears from your white and pink craft foam and hot glue them to the lid of your bunny jar.
Hot glue a pink pom pom for a tail.

To make the face glue on googly eyes and a pom pom nose and then cut whiskers and glue them in place as well:

For the chick cut some little feet and glue them to the bottom of the jar and a little triangle beak and eyes for the face.

Fill them with candy and give them to a friend! A perfect little Easter gift idea.



– batch or two of salt dough (see below)
– rolling pin
– ruler, to measure dough thickness
– egg shape cutter
– spatula
– straw, for making holes
– parchment-paper covered baking sheets
– spray or acrylic paint
– paint pens, optional
– clear coat sealer, optional
– twine, ribbon


Mix up your favorite salt dough recipe. For this project, I used the following recipe:

1 cup flour
1/2 cup salt
1/2 cup water

Stir together all three ingredients until a dough forms. Kneading the dough a couple times can help make it smoother.

Roll it out (I rolled mine to 1/4 inch thick) and cut out desired shapes.

Place the cut-outs on the parchment-covered baking sheets. Remember to make a hole so you can hang the ornaments — a straw works perfectly!

Bake at 250F for 2 hours.


Once the shapes are adequately baked, dried and then thoroughly cooled, it’s painting time. I like using spray paint because it’s faster and easier but acrylics work just as well.

Allow the paint to thoroughly dry. Use paint pens to add polka dots or lines of decorations to the eggs.

Optional: To further protect the color and design, add a clear coat sealer.

Loop twine or ribbon through the holes and hang.

Ready to Give Your Kids Quality Water?

Culligan at the Lake of the Ozarks has you covered. We have many products that can help you have the quality water in your home that you and your kids deserve. To learn more about how we can help you, visit our website at or call the phone number listed below.

277 Lower Business Park Road • Linn Creek, MO 65052 • (573) 346-5221

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